
Enlarged view: founding-event
Consul General Wiliam Frei honoured our group's founding with a speech

Our history starts on September 8th, 2008 when the ETH Alumni Headquarters appointed Patrick Schaufelberger as a Delegate for the ETH Alumni Shanghai Network (initial name of the group), with task to found an Alumni Chapter in Shanghai, China. A first informal Alumni dinner was held on Thursday, December 4th 2008 to understand how many people were available and what were the group's wishes (a survey was held). On Saturday, February 28th 2009 a founding event hosted at the Tongji University with a speech of the Swiss Consul General William Frei. The group was formalized on paper on April 20th, 2009. 

Since then we organized:

  • Company and government visits
  • Workshops
  • Alumni trips
  • Dinners
  • Delegation welcoming (ETHZ, Int'l Alumni groups, Professors)
  • Joint Alumni Events
  • Sport activities (weekly tennis group)  

Example of past activities:

  • Visit of Canature, Forbo, Huntsman, Sulzer Pumps, SMIC, Test Drive of Chinese Electric Vehicles in Anting
  • Workshop with speakers at Hyatt on the Bund co-hosted with IMD Alumni
  • Welcoming of the ETHalians Alumni group in Shanghai with city sightseeing
  • Welcoming of ETHZ Delegations (Shanghai Expo 2010, ETHZ President visit with Q&A sessions, ETH Alumni HQ visit with a workshop and a speech from Consul General Heinrich Schellenberg. Invited were representatives of Yale University and RWTH Aachen Alumni)
  • 2 days trip to Shenzhen inclusive of presentations and company visits, jointly organized with IMD Alumni
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