VEPS Pharmacy Alumni

The VEPS is the association of former pharmacy students at ETH Zurich and is therefore the alumni group especially for pharmacists. We organise a large number of interesting events and development opportunities for members.

Membership with ETH Alumni

Graduates (BSc, MSc), matriculated students starting at the Bachelor level, PhD students, postdocs and lecturers of the Biology Department (D-​CHAB) at ETH Zurich can join (general membership requirement at ETH Alumni). For members, there are several benefits.

After completion from ETH Zurich, graduates are automatically included as alumni. The membership is free of charge until the age of 27, as of the year of the 28th birthday, a membership fee is automatically due, independent of how old the graduate was at completion of the studies.

Become a member now!


Got any questions concerning our group? Please contact any board member, we will gladly help you.

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