MAS MTEC Alumni Afterwork Year-end Apéro Riche

On the evening of December 12th 2023, the MAS MTEC Chapter organised an afterwork year-end Apéro Riche at the apoTHEKE located close to the ETH main campus.


In addition for members new and old to network (and not work!), a few students from the existing MAS MTEC cohort were invited to join the Apéro as well. This gave the students an insight into what awaited them upon graduation, as well as for existing alumni to hear about how the MAS programme is being run today. In addition, Isabel Spicker, D-MTEC’s Alumni Relations Coordinator, was present as well to share updates on opportunities for alumni to provide students mentoring. She also reminded participants that a barbecue was being planned for alumni in September 2024 as well.

Between the drinks and Häppli, participants were given a short review of the past year and insights into what was to be expected for 2024, including the upcoming board elections and the theme for the new year, which will be SPACE.


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