The benefits of becoming a member

As a member of the ETH HST Alumni, you will benefit from:

Member status in the ETH Alumni umbrella association
The benefits this brings include access to the ETH library, special discounts on mobility and laptops, up to 25% discount on additional insurance with selected health insurance funds and many other benefits (see Link).

Networking events
We organise a series of events annually. You can benefit from attending our member events on topics such as location decisions, communication, further education as well as company visits and professional events. At the same time, you can cultivate professional and personal contacts. As a member, you can book to attend these events free of charge or at a greatly reduced ticket price. Membership also gives you access to our database of members and you can contact individual members directly.

Job search/newsletter
Our newsletter is sent out several times a month and always contains exciting job opportunities in the field of health sciences and kinesiology. You can sign up for the newsletter right now .

Our mentors for the various specialist subjects are happy to assist you for free should you have any questions about getting started in your career, if you want to pursue a new direction or simply want insight into everyday working life. Our mentors are a series of experienced kinesiologists with established careers. We provide mentoring in the following professional fields:

• Medical technology
• Performance diagnostics
• Motion analysis, biomechanics, orthopaedic technology
• Molecular health sciences
• Neurosciences
• The promotion of health and sports
• Pharmaceuticals
• Sports teachers
• Biology teachers
• Doctorates

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