Health Sciences and Technology (HST) Alumni

Enlarged view: BWS

Welcome to the Health Sciences and Technology (HST) Alumni

The ETH Health Sciences and Technology (HST) Alumni group brings together graduates, current students, the department and industry working in the specialist fields of kinesiology and health sciences.

We provide various services for graduates, students and companies.

Social Media

We maintain a presence on external pageLinkedIn and external pageFacebook.


HST X-Challenge

HST X-Change

Our "Stammtisch" or regular meet-up provides a platform for meeting various BWS and HST alumni for a drink in an informal setting after work.

Do you need fresh motivation or help in finding a job? Do you want to develop yourself further or move into other fields of work?
Our HST X-Change events allow you to chat with people of various generations. It’s always an interesting and fun evening!

Go to Events for a list of details of everything happening this year (including a registration link).

We look forward to seeing you there!

The HST Alumni board


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